About Us

Your smile is one of the first things people notice and a healthy smile is one of the most attractive features anyone can have. A healthy natural smile not only affects your appearance and self-confidence but also your sense of well-being.

At our caring practice we take great pride in offering the highest quality dental treatments using state of the art equipment and materials. All our dental surgeons are UK trained and highly experienced in general, cosmetic and implant dentistry, and are committed to ongoing professional training.

Based in the heart of Clifton village since 1996, the high tech surgeries have been designed to offer the very best in modern dentistry in relaxed comfortable and elegant surroundings.

More Information

Practice CQC Certificate

Lina Ochoa Manager CQC Certificate

New patients


We always aim to see patients on time. It is our policy for each patient to see one dentist on a continuing basis.

First Visit

Prior to your first appointment, you will be asked to fill out a medical history form. This helps ensure that before your dentist examines your mouth, he or she is aware of any important medical factors that could affect your treatment. Your dentist will discuss any important factors raised at your first visit.

Your first appointment is a two-way process where your dentist will discuss your concerns about your mouth. He or she will carry out an extensive examination and appropriate x-rays may be taken. This ensures that the team has enough information to be able to produce a treatment plan with estimated costs.

Dental Emergency?

Emergency dental treatment in Bristol

We welcome any patient with a dental emergency and we set aside time each day specifically for emergency appointments. If you require urgent attention please call the practice before 8.00am if possible on 0117 9737 444 and we will make every effort to see you as soon as we can.

We offer an emergency service even if you are not registered with us during normal surgery hours only, although our registered patients will take always take preference.

Patients seeking urgent NHS out-of-hours dentistry services should call NHS 111. They can offer advice and details of out-of-hours dental services in your area.

Get in Contact


Dr Jonathan Trigg


GDC No. 64374

Dr Paul Murphy


GDC No. 57872

Dr Richard Brown


GDC No. 103302

Dr Simon Madigan


GDC No. 106188

Roxanne Leadbetter

Practice Manager

Jessica Yarrow

Treatment Coordinator/Receptionist

Holly Knight


GDC No. 246039

Rebecca Lewis


GDC No. 269445

Robert Kelly

Specialist Endodontist

GDC No. 193648

Imogen Bury

Specialist Periodontist

GDC No. 228326

Amira Elmi

Dental Nurse

Emily Webb

Lead Nurse

Rosie Farmer

Apprentice Dental Nurse

Maddy Tucker-Jefferies

Apprentice Dental Nurse

Routine Dentistry

Specialist Dentistry

For more information on Specialist Dentistry and what we can offer you Click here


Cosmetic veneers to perfect your smile in Bristol.

Cosmetic dental treatment for your perfect teeth

Veneers are one of the most impressive and increasingly popular cosmetic dental treatments that are able to transform even the most unattractive set of teeth into a beautiful, white and flawless smile.

Veneers are ultra-thin sheets of laminate applied to the surface of existing teeth. They are fixed in place in the same manner that false nails are applied to natural fingernails. Usually made from ceramic material, porcelain veneers are a popular option because they create a healthy, radiant and natural smile.

Veneers are an ideal treatment for patients wanting to improve their smile. They can be used to treat numerous problems, including:

  • Staining and discolouration
  • Chipped teeth
  • Small gaps between teeth
  • Damaged teeth
  • The procedure

Fitting veneers involves two stages. At the first stage the tooth is prepared to make room for the new veneer. This involves removal of tiny pieces of tooth tissue that is carried out under local anaesthetic. A mould is then created so the veneers can be custom-made by our highly trained dental technicians. At the second visit the veneers will be expertly fitted by your dentist and ensure you are happy with your new and improved smile.

As with any treatment veneers are not suitable for everyone, but we can discuss other treatment options with you if this is the case. Cared for properly by maintaining good oral hygiene, high quality veneers can last between 5 to 10 years before needing to be replaced.


Teeth Whitening



Natural looking dentures in Bristol.

What are dentures?

Teeth can become lost for many reasons, such as injury, decay, gum disease or poor oral hygiene. Missing teeth can contribute to an increased risk of oral health problems and can impact on facial aesthetics, making it more difficult to eat properly and speech may be impaired.

Dentures offer an effective means of replacing lost or damaged teeth which will look natural, fit comfortably and function well. There are different types of dentures available:

Partial dentures: These are used to replace just one or a small number of missing teeth

Complete dentures: These can replace full arches of missing teeth

Immediate dentures: These are placed immediately after teeth have been extracted and allow immediate function of the mouth to be restored

The procedure

Once we establish that dentures would be a suitable treatment option for you, impressions of your teeth will be taken. Your dentures are then custom-made from these impressions by highly trained dental technicians so they will fit the contours of your mouth perfectly. Once the dentures are ready and fitted we will take time to ensure you are completely happy with the look and fit of your new dentures and we recommend that you attend for regular check-ups to ensure they continue to function perfectly for you.

It is important to care for your dentures in the same way as you do for your natural teeth to prevent any future oral health problems. We offer information leaflets on how to properly clean and look after your dentures. If you experience any problems or discomfort with your dentures at any time, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Denture Care Leaflet

Cleaning Your Denture


Teeth Whitening

Professional whitening for brighter smiles in Bristol

Teeth whitening has become one of our most popular and effective cosmetic dental treatments, producing dazzling results in a short space of time to create beautiful, healthy looking smiles.

How does teeth whitening work?

At Clifton Dental Surgery, we offer home whitening treatment for the best long-lasting and effective results. Our dentists will provide custom-made whitening trays and bleaching gels, usually worn overnight, for you to carry out treatment in the comfort of your own home. It is a simple procedure used to gradually lighten the colour of your teeth to your desired shade and can take anything from several days to a couple of weeks. In some cases, it is beneficial to combine home whitening with in-chair whitening at the end of treatment to enhance the final results.

Professional teeth whitening is generally safe and very effective as long as it is provided by qualified dental professionals registered with the General Dental Council (GDC). However, it is not a suitable treatment for everyone so we always carry out a whitening consultation before any treatment can start. A visit to the dental hygienist is also recommended prior to treatment to ensure your teeth are thoroughly clean and to remove any surface stains.

For some patients there maybe a mild level of tooth sensitivity during or after treatment but this should only be temporary. It is also worth noting that tooth-coloured or white fillings and restorations such as crowns and implants will not be lightened by whitening treatment.

Teeth Whitening Consent Form


White Fillings

Aesthetically pleasing tooth fillings in Bristol.

What are white fillings?

White fillings are fast becoming the filling of choice, offering an aesthetically pleasing and effective way of restoring a tooth with signs of decay or wear and is a more attractive and safer alternative to traditional silver amalgam fillings. Fillings are used to prevent further damage when a cavity has formed in a tooth and are made from ceramic materials such as porcelain or composites to give a variety of finishes that are made to be virtually identical to a natural tooth.

Most people will require a filling at least once in their lifetime. They are used to strengthen teeth which have become damaged or decayed and restore function to the tooth. Tooth enamel is the strongest material in the body, but over the course of time can become worn, especially if you do not care for your teeth properly or have a diet high in sugary and acidic foods and drinks. It is these foodstuffs that create bacteria and harmful plaque acids in the mouth which then attack the protective enamel surface of the teeth. Bruxism (teeth grinding) is another cause of tooth wear which is becoming increasingly common due to stress and anxiety.

Tooth wear can lead to an increased risk of fractures, chips and damage and can affect the function of the tooth and aesthetics of the smile. Wear also contributes to sensitivity, which causes pain and discomfort when you eat or drink hot or cold items.

The procedure

The first step is to identify the cause of tooth wear and takes steps to protect the teeth. Under local anaesthetic the tooth and cavity are thoroughly cleaned and the filling material inserted into the hole which is shaped and trimmed to exactly fit the cavity. The procedure is quick, completely safe and should not be painful.

The main advantage of white fillings is that they produce attractive aesthetics and are blended to be virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. They are durable, strong and help to strengthen the tooth and prevent it from further damage and decay.

Caring for white fillings is just the same as caring for your normal teeth. This includes brushing teeth twice a day, rinsing with mouthwash, flossing, avoiding sugary and acidic foodstuffs and refraining from smoking.



Aesthetic, restorative crowns in Bristol.

Dental restorations to restore your teeth

Crowns, sometimes known as caps, are dental restorations placed over the top of existing damaged teeth to strengthen them and protect them from further damage. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including precious metals, ceramic materials, porcelain and metal alloys fused with porcelain.

Some of the reasons you may need a dental crown include tooth damage or decay, presence of a large cavity, fractured teeth, restoration of a dental implant, root canal treatment or severe tooth wear.

The procedure

Initially, the affected tooth with be thoroughly cleaned and any decay or damaged tissue removed. The tooth is then prepared for the new crown using an instrument known as a burr to reshape the tooth to allow a stable platform for the crown to sit on. Once the tooth is ready an impression will be taken and sent to the dental laboratory to ensure the new restoration is custom-made and bespoke to you. In the meantime a temporary crown can be fitted. The final crown will be shaped and coloured to match your existing teeth and fitted in place using dental cement.

Crowns are strong and durable but it is important to look after them carefully and maintain a good oral hygiene routine. With the correct maintenance a good quality crown can last for up to 15 years.


IV Sedation

Dental phobia and feelings of anxiety are common among patients and we understand that having dental treatment can be a daunting prospect for many. We offer sedation options to help you feel calm and relaxed before and during treatment. The application of IV (intravenous) sedation is done via an injection in the arm using a fine needle. This, coupled with friendly and courteous customer service, make daunting treatment more easily achievable.


The aim of IV sedation is to make patients feel relaxed and calm. Sedation does not make you fall asleep, but you will be in a completely relaxed state, feel drowsy and sleepy.


IV sedation works quickly and is a safe procedure when carried out by a trained professional. The state of calm and relaxation created by sedative medication make it useful for nervous patients and those undergoing complex procedures. This is also an advantageous option for patients with a sensitive gag reflex.


IV sedation is not ideal for patients who have a phobia of needles, but we can provide support and will do all we can to make every dental visit as stress-free as possible.


There are a few simple steps you should follow if having treatment under sedation. You will need to avoid eating a couple of hours before the procedure, but you do not need to starve and it is a good idea to have a light meal around 3 hours before the procedure. It is also important to tell your dentist if you are taking any medication or have recently done so. Wearing loose clothing may help you feel more comfortable during the procedure and you will need a lift home due to remaining levels of drowsiness after sedation.


TMJ Treatment

TMJ disorder is a problem associated with the temporomandibular joint. This is the joint located in front of the ears, connecting the jawbone to the skull. Also known as TMJ pain, TMJ dysfunction and Myofascial pain disorder, the condition results in symptoms including headaches, restricted jaw movement and clicking and clenching noises, which tend to get worse when you chew. TMJ disorder is fairly common and around 10 percent of people will develop this problem at some point in their lives.


In most cases, a variety of causes contribute to TMJ disorder, which may include overusing the jaw joint, grinding your teeth, inflammation and arthritis in the joint, and incurrence of injuries to the joint.


It is usually possible to treat TMJ disorder with simple treatment, including resting the joint and taking medication to relax the muscles and reduce inflammation. A visit to the dentist can help to diagnose symptoms and find an appropriate treatment. Specific exercises can also help ease symptoms.


Exercises help to improve the function of the temporomandibular joint, strengthen the surrounding muscles and prevent the jaw from clenching and clicking. If you suffer from symptoms associated with TMJ disorder, set aside five minutes twice a day to do these simple exercises:

  • Sit straight in a chair.
  • Close your back teeth together and rest the tongue tip on the palate at the back of the front teeth.
  • Move the tongue towards the back onto the soft palate at the back of the mouth as far as it can, keeping the teeth together.
  • Move your tongue towards the back and then open your mouth gently, so that the tongue slowly pulls away from the soft palate. Keep your mouth in this location, slightly open, for five seconds and then close your mouth and relax.
  • Repeat the exercise for five minutes.

Only exercise for five minutes at a time and it is advisable to do the exercise in front of a mirror the first couple of times, in order to check the lower teeth are moving downwards rather than side to side. There should not be any clicking noises. If you experience clicking the exercise is likely not being done correctly. You should begin to notice the benefits after two weeks of exercising on a daily basis.



Extraction involves the removal of teeth and there are various reasons why you may need this procedure, including:

  • Decay.
  • Damage caused by sports injuries, trips or falls.
  • Trauma.
  • Make room before orthodontic treatment.
  • Remove impacted teeth.

The Procedure

The procedure may seem daunting but we will do all we can to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Your gums will be numbed using local anaesthetic to prevent any pain. Before the tooth can be extracted the socket is widened using a special instrument known as an elevator, after which the tooth is pulled gently from side to side to loosen it and pliers then used to extract the tooth.

Is The Procedure Painful?

You may feel mild discomfort during the procedure but you will be anaesthetised to prevent pain. After the tooth has been extracted the wound may feel sore for a few days, but you can take over-the-counter pain to ease any pain.

After The Procedure

Following the procedure, your dentist will apply pressure to the wound to stem bleeding and the wound may be stitched. It is important to keep the wound clean to prevent infection. Avoid brushing the wound and use warm saltwater to gently rinse the area. It is a good idea to avoid hot and cold foods and drinks for a few days and stick to a soft diet. If the wound bleeds, apply a tissue or cloth for 10 minutes, but if bleeding persists, arrange to see us. Try to get back to your oral hygiene routine as soon as possible, but it may be more comfortable to use a softer brush for the first few days.



Endodontics is the field of dentistry concerned with the roots of the teeth, with the most common treatment being root canal treatment.

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure designed to prevent further infection of a tooth that is effectively dying because the living pulp tissue has been damaged or decayed. The pulp tissue contains the nerves and blood vessels. Root canal treatment is often used to save a tooth that has been damaged or affected by severe decay and to prevent the formation of abscesses.

The Procedure

Many people are worried by root canal treatment but it is an effective treatment. The procedure involves the removal of infected or damaged pulp tissue from the root canals. Once this has been done the root canals are cleaned thoroughly and then filled, with the tooth then sealed to prevent repeat infection.

Root canal treatment has a high success rate but it can be a complex procedure. This is because there are many curved canals which can make access difficult. If the case is too complex we may refer you to an endodontic specialist. Root canal treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic to prevent pain.

Are There Any Risks Or Complications?

Root canal treatment is an effective, safe treatment but as with all procedures there is risk of complications, which include:

  • ITEM
  • Missed canals.
  • Curved or narrow canals (make it difficult to access the canals).
  • Fracture of restorations.
  • Perforations.

In the rare event of a complication, we will stop to explain what is happening and answer any questions you have.

After The Procedure

After the root canals have been emptied, cleaned and filled, a restoration (usually a filling) will be fitted to strengthen the tooth. In some cases, we will also recommend a crown to provide additional protection.


Fixed and Removable Bridges

Dental bridges are a form of restoration which can be used to replace missing teeth. The loss of teeth can cause a variety of problems, including impaired speech, difficulty chewing, an increased risk of oral health complications and it can also affect the aesthetics of the smile. It is always best to fill tooth gaps to ward off such problems.

Types Of Dental Bridges

There are different types of dental bridges, which include:

  • Traditional fixed bridge
  • Maryland bridge
  • Cantilever bridge

A traditional fixed bridge is comprised of a false tooth (known as a pontic) which is fused to two crowns. Traditional fixed bridges are anchored by the neighbouring teeth and can also be supported by dental implants.

A Maryland bridge is often used to replace a missing front tooth and is anchored to the teeth on either side of the gap using metal bands. This type of bridge is used when the neighbouring teeth are strong and healthy.

A cantilever bridge is used when there are healthy teeth on one side of the gap. The bridge is anchored by one or two healthy teeth on one side of the missing tooth.

Bridges can be made from ceramic materials and precious metals. Most people choose ceramic bridges because they are more aesthetically pleasing.

The Procedure

The procedure to fit a dental bridge is relatively straightforward. The bridge will be custom-made for the individual based on impressions taken of the teeth. Before the bridge is fitted, the teeth are trimmed and prepared. Once the bridge has been fabricated at the laboratory and returned, it will then be fixed into place using dental cement. We always ensure your happiness with the fit and look of the bridge before we fix it into place.

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

Dental bridges should last up to 15 years if they are well looked-after. You will need to maintain a good oral hygiene routine and keep the bridge as clean as possible to reduce the risk of infection and decay.



Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic treatment which uses a series of clear aligners to move teeth into alignment. The system was developed to provide an alternative to bulky, unsightly braces which required a long period of time for treatment. Invisalign aligners are made from clear plastic, meaning you can get the smile of your dreams without anyone noticing you are having treatment. Your teeth will be moved quickly, discreetly and comfortably.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign aligners are custom-built for the individual. A treatment plan is drawn-up based on your specific orthodontic condition, with each aligner shaped differently to encourage movement of the teeth. Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks and then replaced with the next in the series. They should be worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day to achieve optimum results.

Benefits Of Invisalign

Invisalign is an ideal treatment for people who want straighter teeth, but do not wish to wear unattractive braces for months on end. The clear, plastic aligners are virtually invisible, so nobody else will be able to see them. The aligners also offer greater flexibility for patients because they are removable, which means you can eat what you want, brush your teeth properly and look your best for special occasions.

The aligners are custom-made to increase comfort, efficacy and quick movement of the teeth. Invisalign aligners also help to promote good oral hygiene, as you can remove them to brush your teeth. Often, wearing traditional braces increases your risk of decay and gum disease because plaque and food deposits collect around the brackets and wires, but this is not the case with Invisalign.

Are There Any Drawbacks?

The only real drawback of Invisalign is that it is not suitable for everyone. Invisalign can be an effective solution for patients with crooked teeth, mild problems with the bite and gaps between the teeth. It is not suitable for complex bite problems and cases where a lot of movement is required. If you are not a suitable candidate for Invisalign, we will be happy to discuss other treatment options.


Clear Braces

In the past, patients who needed orthodontic treatment were faced with long periods of time of having to wear bulky metal braces. The field of orthodontics has changed remarkably in recent years, and a whole host of options are now available for those who want a straighter smile. Clear braces are one of the most influential innovations, as they provide a solution for the hundreds of patients who are worried about how wearing braces would affect their appearance braces.

Types Of Clear Braces

There are different types of clear braces, including Clearstep and Invisalign. Both Invisalign and Clearstep systems involve wearing a series of clear plastic aligners for a period of time. These aligners are removable and are completely invisible to other people.

How Do Clear Braces Work?

Clear brace use custom-made aligners to move teeth into position. Highly trained technicians manufacture the aligners based on a treatment plan that is drawn up based on the patient’s orthodontic prescription. The aligners are worn for a set period of time, usually around 2 weeks, before being replaced with the next aligner in the series. Once all the aligners have been worn treatment is complete.

Benefits Of Clear Braces

The major benefit of clear braces is that they are invisible to others, which means you can show off your smile without anyone even realising you are having treatment. The braces are comfortable and you can take them out to eat, drink and enjoy special occasions. You can also remove them to brush your teeth, so there is no worry about food or bacteria collecting around the braces.

Am I A Suitable Candidate?

Clear braces are versatile and can be used for many patients. However, if you have a complex prescription and require a lot of movement, another treatment may be more effective. We can discuss treatment options with you and answer any questions you have about other treatments.



Incognito is an innovative lingual brace system which is attached to the back of the teeth, making them invisible to other people when you smile. This is a discreet option for patients who do not wish to wear braces on the front of their teeth.

How Do Incognito Braces Work?

Incognito braces have been developed using high-tech technology. They are custom-made for the individual and encourage the teeth to move gently and quickly. The braces are manufactured according to individual prescription, with the forces generated by the wires and brackets resulting in gradual alignment of the teeth.

Benefits Of Incognito

The main benefit of Incognito is that the braces are discreet, since they are clear and fixed to the back of the teeth. The wires are very fine and the braces are designed to be as comfortable as possible, so there is little to no impact on speech. Incognito braces also work quicker than traditional braces and fewer check-ups are required in the time it takes you to achieve a straighter smile.

The Procedure

The thought of lingual braces can be daunting and you may assume that treatment would be painful. However, this is not the case since the braces are developed using modern know-how and fine, discreet wires and brackets. The procedure to have the braces fitted is slightly more complex than traditional braces, but it should not be painful. The brackets are fixed onto the lingual side of the teeth first, before the archwires are threaded through and fixed into place.

Treatment time depends on the individual but is typically between 15 and 28 months.


Traditional Braces

Traditional braces have been around for years and still prove to be an effective form of orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces are made from metal, including brackets and wires, and are fixed to the front of the teeth to encourage correct alignment over a period of time.

How Do Traditional Braces Work?

Traditional braces work by moving the teeth and then holding them in the correct position. Forces are generated by the wires and brackets, which causes the teeth to move into a different position. Traditional braces can achieve a huge amount of movement and are suitable for people with the most complex orthodontic prescriptions.

Advantages Of Traditional Braces

This type of brace may not be as aesthetically pleasing as other orthodontic treatments, but they are highly effective and versatile. Fixed braces can achieve a great deal of movement, meaning that treatment is suitable for people with complex orthodontic issues. Braces have come a long way in recent years. They are much more discreet and treatment time is also much shorter.

Who Can Benefit From Traditional Braces?

Traditional braces are suitable for most orthodontic prescriptions and can be used to treat the following problems:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Overcrowding

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Treatment time depends on the individual and how much movement is needed. We will discuss treatment time with you and answer any of your questions when you visit us for a consultation.


Dental Implants

Replace lost or missing teeth with dental implants in Bristol.

Replace missing teeth with dental implants

Widely regarded as the most effective and aesthetic method of replacing a missing tooth or teeth, dental implants are small titanium screws that are placed into prepared sockets in the jawbone. Titanium is bio-compatible with the body and integrates with the bone – a process known as osseointegration – allowing a new tooth restoration, such as a dental crown, to be attached to the implant, allowing the tooth to look and function in just the same way as a natural tooth.

The procedure

After being fully assessed to ensure implants are the right treatment option for you, a small incision is made in the gum tissue and a small hole drilled into the jawbone. The implant is fixed into the socket and left for around 4 to 6 weeks to integrate with the bone and ensure the gum has healed completely before the final restoration is attached which can include a crown, denture or bridge.

The benefits

Dental implants are highly regarded by dentists and patients alike because they act just like a natural tooth. Implants are entirely safe and help to reduce bone loss, provide exceptional functionality and provide guaranteed anchorage for dentures, making the problem of loose dentures a thing of the past.

After the procedure

Once any implants have been fitted it is important to look after your mouth and maintain good oral hygiene to prevent any problems such as infection. We provide patient information leaflets about the procedure and are always on hand to answer any of your questions or concerns. There may be a degree of soreness after implant placement, but painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen should quickly ease any discomfort. You should take it easy for a couple of days following implant placement, eat soft foods and refrain from smoking, which can otherwise slow down the healing process.

Although dental implants are one of the most effective ways of replacing missing teeth, they are not suitable for everyone. Patients who smoke, have weak bone tissue or have certain oral or other health problems may be advised to consider alternative treatment. We will thoroughly assess every individual case and offer information and advice to help you make the right decision for you.


Root Canal Therapy

This treatment provided at our sister practice, Specialist Dental and Implant Centre.

Endodontics is the field of dentistry concerned with the roots of the teeth, with the most common treatment being root canal treatment.

What Is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure designed to prevent further infection of a tooth that is effectively dying because the living pulp tissue has been damaged or decayed. The pulp tissue contains the nerves and blood vessels. Root canal treatment is often used to save a tooth that has been damaged or affected by severe decay and to prevent the formation of abscesses.

The Procedure

Many people are worried by root canal treatment but it is an effective treatment. The procedure involves the removal of infected or damaged pulp tissue from the root canals. Once this has been done the root canals are cleaned thoroughly and then filled, with the tooth then sealed to prevent repeat infection.

Root canal treatment has a high success rate but it can be a complex procedure. This is because there are many curved canals which can make access difficult. If the case is too complex we may refer you to an endodontic specialist. Root canal treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic to prevent pain.

Are There Any Risks Or Complications?

Root canal treatment is an effective, safe treatment but as with all procedures there is risk of complications, which include:

  • Missed canals.
  • Curved or narrow canals (make it difficult to access the canals).
  • Fracture of restorations.
  • Perforations.

In the rare event of a complication, we will stop to explain what is happening and answer any questions you have.

After The Procedure

After the root canals have been emptied, cleaned and filled, a restoration (usually a filling) will be fitted to strengthen the tooth. In some cases, we will also recommend a crown to provide additional protection.

Endodontics Consent Form


Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygienist appointments available in Bristol.

A preventative approach to oral health

At Clifton Dental Surgery we strongly believe that prevention is better than cure when it comes to looking after your oral health and that is why having regular appointments with your highly trained dental professional is just as important as your routine checkups with your dentist. We offer dental hygiene services to help you enjoy good oral health, improve the aesthetics of your smile and prevent future problems with your teeth and gums.

One of the most effective hygiene treatments is a scale and polish. This involves scaling the teeth above and below the gum line to remove plaque and tartar that ordinary brushing cannot do alone, clearing away bacteria and preventing bad breath, then polishing them to produce a healthy, shiny finish. A scale and polish can also help to remove surface stains, making teeth look whiter and brighter.

As well as hygiene treatments, our friendly team are always on hand to provide oral hygiene advice including healthy eating and how to keep dental problems at bay. We can show you how to brush properly and effectively when at home and how to use floss and inter-dental brushes to remove food debris and plaque from places your toothbrush simply can’t reach.

Why is dental hygiene important?

Dental hygiene is important for a number of reasons, not least because research has shown that poor oral health contributes to an increased risk of serious medical conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. Always brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste in addition to using mouthwash and regular flossing. Try to avoid food and drink high in sugar or acid, as these cause bacteria to build up and produce plaque acids in the mouth which attack the enamel and leave teeth susceptible to decay and erosion.

Regular visits to the dentist and hygienist are an important part of your oral care regime. A healthy, attractive smile will help you to feel more confident about yourself and enable you to show your true personality.


Skin Clinic

Dr Sarah Najjar provides wrinkle relaxing injections and dermal fillers at our Clifton practice.

Sarah qualified as a dentist in Egypt in 2008. She moved to the UK in 2012 where she subsequently completed the General Dental Council’s Overseas Registration exam to start working as a dentist in the UK..

She is passionate about postgraduate learning and has completed courses in multiple aspects of dentistry including oral surgery, paediatric dentistry, and prosthodontics, however Sarah’s main passion lies in the enhancement of facial features with the use of anti-wrinkle injections and dermal fillers. .

Sarah takes pride in her work and aims to produce natural-looking results using techniques that she has learned on extensive courses delivered by world-renowned trainers.

Aside from dentistry and facial aesthetics, Sarah enjoys travelling, spending time with her husband and young son, going to the gym, and she is an enthusiastic cook!

At our other locations we also have Dr Eve Curtis and Dr Helen Cutts carrying out facial aesthetics. Please contact the clinic closest to you for a no obligation consultation.

Specialist Dental and Implant Centre

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Patchway Dental Practice

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Linden Lodge Dental Care

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Parrys Lane Dental Practice

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Warrington House Dental Practice

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Nordea Dental Clinique

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Other Locations

Specialist Dental and Implant Centre

85 Parrys Lane,

Visit website

Patchway Dental Practice

19-21 Coniston Road,
BS34 5JN

Visit website

Linden Lodge Dental Care

17 Linden Road,
BS21 7SR

Visit website

Parrys Lane Dental Practice

85 Parrys Lane,

Visit website

Warrington House Dental Practice

2 Warrington Road,

Visit website

Nordea Dental Clinique

145 White Ladies Road,

Visit website



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Dr Jonathan Trigg



GDC No. 64374

Jonathan graduated in 1989 from the University of Newcastle, and remained there in the restorative dentistry department for six months treating complex cases. He then travelled to Australia to work in hospital and private practice for three years. After working in a number of practices in the UK he joined Dr Paul Murphy in 1999. He is committed to high standards of care and ongoing study, and completed the three year postgraduate qualifications from the Eastman and the Bristol Dental Hospitals in 2002. He has a keen interest in cosmetic and implant dentistry as well as root canal treatment


Dr Paul Murphy



GDC No. 57872

Having graduated in 1983 at the Welsh National school of medicine Paul became a partner in a large Bristol practice in 1985. He has since been responsible for running several surgeries throughout the city and founded THE DENTAL SURGERY in 1997.The idea of being able to offer patients the facility to see different specialists within one building was the first of its kind in the area and continues to set new standards.

Paul became the first dental surgeon in the country to be awarded a Diploma in Restorative Dental Practice by University College London and is also a registered Nobel Biocare surgeon. He offers a referral service for both implantology and root canal treatment and has a special interest in cosmetic and advanced restorative dentistry.

Paul has three children, is closely associated with Clifton College School and is a keen sportsman


Dr Richard Brown



GDC No. 103302

Richard moved to Bristol in 2001 after growing up in Northern Ireland. He studied dentistry at Bristol University from 2001-2006 and qualified from Bristol Dental School in 2006. He moved immediately into work in Bristol and, after completing a year of vocational training, continued to work in general practice.

His ethos in dentistry has always centered on the preservation of the patient’s natural teeth using the latest technologies to ensure minimally invasive preparation.

In 2010, he decided focus on orthodontics and completed 2 years post graduate study. He can now carry out a full range of orthodontic treatments for selected cases, dealing with most malocclusions which present in general practice. He now lectures internationally for general dentists looking to expand their scope of practice in ‘invisible’ orthodontics. His other areas of interest in dentistry include endodontics and restorative work especially aesthetic composite fillings and minimally invasive inlay/onlay restorations.

Away from the dental surgery, he enjoys time with his wife and two sons. They often visit Cornwall on holidays, especially the North coast. Richard likes to remain active when away from work, regularly playing hockey and he enjoys skiing and most sports involving the sea.


Roxanne Leadbetter

Practice Manager

I have been working within dentistry the last for 4 years, gaining valuable experience and knowledge.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, Spending time with my family, where we enjoy doing activities like playing board games, having movie nights, and going on long country walks with my three dogs.


Emma Lowe


Luisa Kay


Jessica Yarrow

Treatment Coordinator/Receptionist

Jessica joined the practice in 2017. She is our receptionist and assistant practice manager. She enjoys getting to know and caring for the needs of our patients, providing the best experience possible.

In her own time she enjoys music, travel and running.


Dr. Simon Madigan


GDC No. 106188

Graduated out of Bristol University in 2006, Simon enjoys to develop his skills and techniques through working as a part of a team.

He enjoys the varying demands of general dentistry and cares about the patients journey when treating them.

Simon’s main hobby is long distance running. I also enjoy cycling and playing football and golf.

I have completed several half marathons and intend to enter a full marathon in the future. I also enjoy reading, travelling and being outdoors. Most of all I enjoy having time to spend with my young family.


Cathryn De’Ath

Practice Manager

Cathryn has been part of the team at The Dental Surgery since September 2022. Previously she worked at the practice for 8 years joining as a receptionist. After some time at our sister practice both as receptionist and manager she moved across to The Dental Surgery and took on the role of Practice Manager. Cathryn thoroughly enjoys the busy days in Practice and the opportunity to work with a great team.

Outside of work she enjoys voluntary work within the community, as well as spending time with family and friends. Any free time is used well by taking weekends away in the campervan travelling to the coast and soaking up some ‘vitamin sea’!


Holly Knight

Holly Knight


GDC No. 246039


Rebecca Lewis

Rebecca Lewis


GDC No. 269445


Robert Kelly

Robert Kelly

Specialist Endodontist

GDC No. 193648


Imogen Bury

Imogen Bury

Specialist Periodontist

GDC No. 228326


Amira Elmi

Apprentice Dental Nurse

GDC No. 341777

Amira is a trainee Dental Nurse who joined the practice in February 2022. She loves working closely with Dental professionals to ensure all patients are well cared for.

Outside of work Amira loves spending time with my family and friends as well as travelling and learning about different cultures and their food.


Emily Webb

Lead Nurse

GDC No. 310253

Emily has been working as a Dental Nurse at The Dental Surgery since 2021. She enjoys fully engaging with all aspects of nursing and learning about the duties associated with Lead Nurse. Outside of my work Emily likes to unwind by baking and spending time with her pets


Rosie Farmer

Apprentice Dental Nurse

Rosie loves being able to help patients and ensure they feel welcomed and cared for while in the practise.

Outside of work, Rosie loves travelling, trying new foods, and spending time with her family, friends and two dogs.


Maddy Tucker-Jefferies

Apprentice Dental Nurse

Maddy has been an apprentice here since December 2022. She really enjoys learning about all aspects of dentistry and being able to support patients throughout their treatment. Outside of work Maddy enjoys watching women’s football, reading and spending time with family.


Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

This is the privacy notice of Clifton Dental Surgery. In this document, “we”, “our”, or “us” refer to Parrys Lane Dental Practice.


  1. This is a notice to inform you of our policy about all information that we record about you through our website. It sets out the conditions under which we may process any information that we collect from you, or that you provide to us. It covers information that could identify you (“personal information”) and information that could not. In the context of the law and this notice, “process” means collect, store, transfer, use or otherwise act on information.
  2. We take seriously the protection of your privacy and confidentiality. We understand that all visitors to our website are entitled to know that their personal data will not be used for any purpose unintended by them, and will not accidentally fall into the hands of a third party.
  3. We undertake to preserve the confidentiality of all information you provide to us, and hope that you reciprocate.
  4. Our policy complies with UK law accordingly implemented, including that required by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  5. The law requires us to tell you about your rights and our obligations to you in regards to the processing and control of your personal data. We do this now, by requesting that you read the information provided at www.knowyourprivacyrights.org
  6. Except as set out below, we do not share, or sell, or disclose to a third party, any information collected through our website.

The bases on which we process information about you

The law requires us to determine under which of six defined bases we process different categories of your personal information, and to notify you of the basis for each category.

If a basis on which we process your personal information is no longer relevant then we shall immediately stop processing your data.

If the basis changes then if required by law we shall notify you of the change and of any new basis under which we have determined that we can continue to process your information.

1. Information we process because we have a contractual obligation with you

If you join us as a patient or otherwise agree to our terms and conditions, a contract is formed between you and us.

In order to carry out our obligations under that contract we must process the information you give us. Some of this information may be personal information.

We may use it in order to:

  1. verify your identity for security purposes
  2. sell products to you
  3. provide you with our services
  4. provide you with suggestions and advice on products, services and how to obtain the most from using our website

We process this information on the basis there is a contract between us, or that you have requested we use the information before we enter into a legal contract.

Additionally, we may aggregate this information in a general way and use it to provide class information, for example to monitor our performance with respect to a particular service we provide. If we use it for this purpose, you as an individual will not be personally identifiable.

We shall continue to process this information until the contract between us ends or is terminated by either party under the terms of the contract.

2. Information we process with your consent

Through certain actions when otherwise there is no contractual relationship between us, such as when you browse our website or ask us to provide you more information about our Practice, you provide your consent to us to process information that may be personal information.

Wherever possible, we aim to obtain your explicit consent to process this information, for example, by asking you to agree to our use of cookies, and via the disclaimer on our contact and referral forms.

Sometimes you might give your consent implicitly, such as when you send us a message by e-mail to which you would reasonably expect us to reply.

Except where you have consented to our use of your information for a specific purpose, we do not use your information in any way that would identify you personally. We may aggregate it in a general way and use it to provide class information, for example to monitor the performance of a particular page on our website.

If you have given us explicit permission to do so, we may from time to time pass your name and contact information to selected associates whom we consider may provide services or products you would find useful.

We continue to process your information on this basis until you withdraw your consent or it can be reasonably assumed that your consent no longer exists.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by instructing us [at email address or webpage]. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use our website or our services further.

3. Information we process because we have a legal obligation

We are subject to the law like everyone else. Sometimes, we must process your information in order to comply with a statutory obligation.

For example, we may be required to give information to legal authorities if they so request or if they have the proper authorisation such as a search warrant or court order.

This may include your personal information.

4. Specific uses of information you provide to us

Personal data submitted on this website will be used for the purposes specified in this privacy policy or in relevant parts of the website.

Information you give to us. We may use this information to:

  • Send you general and marketing communications;
  • Send you e-mail notifications;
  • Notify you about changes to our service;
  • Ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective manner for your and for your computer
  • Provide third parties with statistical information about our users – but this information will not be used to identify any individual user; and/or
  • Deal with enquiries and complaints made by or about you relating to the website.

Information we collect about you. We will use this information:

  • To administer our site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and review purposes;
  • To improve our site to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer;
  • As part of our efforts to keep our site safe and secure;
  • To measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you; and/or
  • To make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our site about services that may interest you or them.

Information we receive from other sources.

We may combine this information with information you give to us and information we collect about you. We may use this information and the combined information for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information we receive).

We will not without your express consent provide your personal information to any third parties for the purpose of direct marketing.

5. Complaints regarding content on our website

If you complain about any of the content on our website, we shall investigate your complaint.

If we feel it is justified or if we believe the law requires us to do so, we shall remove the content while we investigate.

Free speech is a fundamental right, so we have to make a judgment as to whose right will be obstructed: yours, or that of the person who posted the content that offends you.

If we think your complaint is vexatious or without any basis, we shall not correspond with you about it.

6. Complaining

When we receive a complaint, we record all the information you have given to us.

We use that information to resolve your complaint.

If your complaint reasonably requires us to contact some other person, we may decide to give to that other person some of the information contained in your complaint. We do this as infrequently as possible, but it is a matter for our sole discretion as to whether we do give information, and if we do, what that information is.

How you can complain

  • If you are not happy with our privacy policy or have any complaint then you should tell us by email. Our address is [email address].
  • [You can find further information about our complaint handling procedure at webpage URL]
  • If a dispute is not settled then we hope you will agree to attempt to resolve it by engaging in good faith with us in a process of mediation or arbitration.
  • If you are in any way dissatisfied about how we process your personal information, you have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. This can be done at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/.

7. Contacting us via our website

When you contact us, whether by telephone, through our website or by e-mail, we collect the data you have given to us securely in order to reply with the information you need.

We record your request and our reply as well as the personally identifiable information associated with your message, such as your name and email address and other contact details so as to be able to track our communications with you to provide a high quality service. This data will be held securely online for a period of 3 months, we may also record this information within our practice management software.

Use of information we collect through automated systems when you visit our website

8. Cookies

This website uses Google Analytics to help analyse how users use the site. The tool uses “cookies,” which are text files placed on your computer, to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including IP address) is transmitted to Google. This information is then used to evaluate visitors’ use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity.

We will never (and will not allow any third party to) use the statistical analytics tool to track or to collect any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of visitors to our site. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. Neither we nor Google will link, or seek to link, an IP address with the identity of a computer user. We will not associate any data gathered from this site with any Personally Identifiable Information from any source, unless you explicitly submit that information via a fill-in form on our website.

9. Personal identifiers from your browsing activity

Requests by your web browser to our servers for web pages and other content on our website are recorded.

We record information such as your geographical location, your Internet service provider and your IP address. We also record information about the software you are using to browse our website, such as the type of computer or device and the screen resolution. This information is recorded by Google Analytics as well as via certain 3rd party plugins installed on our website.

We use this information in aggregate to assess the popularity of the webpages on our website and how we perform in providing content to you.

If combined with other information we know about you from previous visits, the data possibly could be used to identify you personally, even if you are not signed in to our website.

10. Our use of re-marketing

Re-marketing involves placing a cookie on your computer when you browse our website in order to be able to serve to you an advert for our products or services when you visit some other website.

We may use a third party to provide us with re-marketing services from time to time. If so, then if you have consented to our use of cookies, you may see advertisements for our products and services on other websites.

11. Our use of Call Tracking

We may have call tracking installed on our website. This tracking will automatically record certain information about the visitor by using various types of technology including cookies, clear gifs or web beacons. This automatically collected information may include the phone number, IP address or other device address or ID, geographic location of the Visitor, web browser and/or device type, the web pages or sites visited just before or just after visiting the site, the pages or other content the visitor views or interacts with, and the dates and times of the visit. Calls may also be recorded.

Access to your own information

12. Access to your personal information

  • At any time you may review or update personally identifiable information that we hold about you by contacting us.
  • To obtain a copy of any information that is not provided on our website you may send us a request at [email address].
  • After receiving the request, we will tell you when we expect to provide you with the information, and whether we require any fee for providing it to you.

13. Removal of your information

If you wish us to remove personally identifiable information from our systems, you may contact us at [email address].

This may limit the service we can provide to you.

14. Verification of your information

When we receive any request to access, edit or delete personally identifiable information we shall first take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access or otherwise taking any action. This is important to safeguard your information.

Other matters

15. Encryption of data sent between us

We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates to verify our identity to your browser and to encrypt any data you give us.

Whenever information is transferred between us, you can check that it is done so using SSL by looking for a closed padlock symbol or other trust mark in your browser’s URL bar or toolbar.

16. Retention period for personal data

As mentioned in this privacy notice, we keep your personal information securely online for a period of 3 months. We will also keep the data on our practice management software for as long as required by us:

  • To provide you with the services you have requested;
  • To comply with other law
  • To support a claim or defence in court.

17. Compliance with the law

Our privacy policy has been compiled so as to comply with the law of every country or legal jurisdiction in which we aim to do business. If you think it fails to satisfy the law of your jurisdiction, we should like to hear from you.

However, ultimately it is your choice as to whether you wish to use our website.

18. Review of this privacy policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time as necessary. The terms that apply to you are those posted here on our website on the day you use our website. We advise you to print a copy for your records.

If you have any question regarding our privacy policy, please contact us. 

Version 1.0


Complaints Procedure

Code of practice for patient complaints

In this practice we take complaints very seriously indeed and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service.  When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.  This procedure is based on these objectives.

Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled.  We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to customers’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

  • The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service which we provide is the Practice Manager.
  • If a patient complains on the telephone or in person, we will listen to their complaint and offer to refer him or her to the practice manager immediately. If the practice manager is not available at the time, then the patient will be informed when they will be able to talk to the practice manager and arrangements will be made for this to happen. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on to the practice Manager. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable period or if the patient does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for someone else to deal with it.
  • If the patient complains in writing or by email, it will be passed on immediately to the Practice Manager.
  • If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to the dentist concerned, unless the patient does not want this to happen.
  • We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice within three working days.
  • We will seek to investigate the complaint within ten working days of receipt to give an explanation of the circumstances which led to the complaint.  If the patient does not wish to meet us, then we will attempt to talk to them on the telephone.  If we are unable to investigate the complaint within ten working days we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and a likely period within which the investigation will be completed.
  • We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing immediately after completing our investigation.
  • Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received as well as any actions taken to improve services as a consequence of a complaint.
  • If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be made to:
    • The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP. Telephone: 0345 015 4033  www.ombudsman.org.uk
    • The Dental Complaints Service, The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Greater London, CR9 2ER. Telephone: 08456 120 540  www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk
    • The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London. W1N 8DQ. Telephone: 0845 222 4141, the dentists’ regulatory body for complaints about professional misconduct





Opening & Contact

The Dental Surgery Clifton

15 The Mall

Find on map

T: 0117 9737 444

E: reception@cliftondentalsurgery.co.uk

Opening Hours

8:00am – 4:00pm

8:00am – 4:00pm

8:00am – 4:00pm

8:00am – 4:00pm

8:00am – 4:00pm




We have emergency slots every day from 8 am – 5 pm (Monday – Thursday), and Fridays (8 am – 4 pm).


The practice is committed to offer high standards of care and service to our patients. We take complaints very seriously and will make best endeavours to deal with any dissatisfaction promptly and courteously and learn from our mistakes.

If you are unhappy with our service – please email p.jacobs@dentina.co.uk and our practice manager will get in touch with you and resolve your queries.